Specializing in Fire and Smoke Damper Inspections and installations in New Jersey and the surrounding area. As of December of 2023, New Jersey is requiring all buildings to replace and maintain smoke dampers. Our company is focusing specifically on damper testing and damper replacement based on the required code. We have implemented a process for centralizing all certifications, inspections and documentation that is required to meet the needs of all clients. With decades of extensive experience in this field we offer a high quality, reliable service. Air Empire is licensed and certified to work in all counties of NJ. Mechanical license #.......
Life Safety Damper Inspections - Fire, Smoke, Fire/Smoke Remediation & Replacement - Out of Wall Fire Dampers
Pursuant to NFPA 80, 90, and 105, fire and smoke damper installations are required to comply with these codes and these dampers require periodic inspection afterwards. Dampers that are found in disrepair are required to be repaired immediately. Records of installation, testing, and maintenance are to be kept by the property owner.
Pursuant to NFPA (Fire) 80-, the test and inspection frequency shall be every 4 years, except in hospitals, where frequency shall be every 6 years.
Pursuant to NFPA (Smoke) 105-6.5.2, each damper shall be tested and inspected one year after installation. The test and inspection frequency shall be every 4 years, except in hospitals, where the frequency shall be every 6 years.
Click on the link below to research the specific requirements regarding fire dampers according to Bill A5179 of the New Jersey Legislature
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Egis Project Management
2000 Presidential Way #801 West Palm Beach FL 33401
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