Egis Project Management
Egis Project Management

Egis Project Management
Egis Project Management
Servicing New Jersey
Project Management & Consulting Services
Life Safety, Damper Consulting Services
Why Choose Egis Project Management
Egis Project Management is the glue that binds an entire team together allowing them to push the ball forward on long standing life safety and HVAC problems. We work with your internal staff as well as any existing trusted vendors to provide solutions. These include Architects, Life Safety Consultants, Fire Alarm Vendors, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Pneumatic Vendors. Egis Project Management will provide focus and direction on project issues. With the use of our Procore cloud based system, we strive to place drawings in the hands of each invited member of your facility so that all team members and vendors can make more informed decisions in the field. Our founder Jim O'Keefe, has been inside at least 20,000 air handling units. In our 25 years working in the field, the inspection and deficiency resolution are only a small portion of the work. Attaining drawings, knowing the codes, interaction with other vendors, health care safety and logistics, HVAC system knowledge, barrier conflict, old existing items all represent a large portion of what needs to be known prior to touching a damper. Egis Project Management has the knowledge and experience to handle this part.
Why Choose Egis PM?
New Jersey Bill 5179 will require certified contractors and technicians with sheet metal background. These certified companies will have minimal experience in the life safety field. Sheet metal workers will excel at the deficiency resolution stage. Inspections at the damper should not be a problem. In our 25 years working in the field, the inspection and deficiency resolution are only a small portion of the work. Attaining drawings, knowing the codes, interaction with other vendors, health care safety and logistics, HVAC system knowledge, barrier conflict, old existing items all represent a large portion of what needs to be known prior to touching a damper. Egis has the knowledge and experience to handle this part.
Egis Corporation has completed Life Safety, Print Room Consulting and Specialty HVAC projects in over 150 healthcare and education facilities located in the northeast and Florida since 1985. Our teams include sheet metal and mechanical technicians. We are familiar with mechanical systems and life safety codes. Our services include damper testing and remediation, attaining and placing the most updated "as built" drawings into Procore. Our specialty HVAC work strives to maximize delivered airflow at the unit. Our goal is to rid HVAC equipment of as much condensate water as possible. This will maximize energy efficiency as well as minimize rust and unit damage.
Our History and Focus
Egis has completed life safety projects in over 85 facilities since 1999. Our teams, have completed the entire process from project focus, management, to damper inspection and deficiency resolutions. Currently, as the laws surrounding testing, deficiency resolution and maintenance of dampers have changed, Egis Project Management will provide project focus and management. We will review all mechanical prints available to locate dampers. We will review all available architectural prints to find shafts and barriers. We will review all power and fire alarm prints to work with selected vendors completing the fire smoke, smoke damper testing. We will assist in the logistics of setting up safe work plans to schedule and complete work. We will assist in selecting the certified damper inspection vendor. We will work with that vendor. We will provide the inspection template and house the drawings and documents in Procore for your continued use. Egis will also meet with your architects should barrier conflicts be presented.
Our History and Focus
Egis Corporation has completed Life Safety, Print Room Consulting and Specialty HVAC projects in over 150 healthcare and education facilities located in the northeast and Florida since 1985. Our teams include sheet metal and mechanical technicians. We are familiar with mechanical systems and life safety codes. Our services include damper testing and remediation, attaining and placing the most updated "as built" drawings into Procore. Our specialty HVAC work strives to maximize delivered airflow at the unit. Our goal is to rid HVAC equipment of as much condensate water as possible. This will maximize energy efficiency as well as minimize rust and unit damage.
Egis has completed life safety projects in over 85 facilities since 1999. In other states, our teams complete the entire process from project focus, management, to damper inspection and deficiency resolutions. In New Jersey, based on the law changes, Egis will provide project focus and management. We will review all mechanical prints available to locate dampers. We will review all available architectural prints to find shafts and barriers. We will review all power and fire alarm prints to work with selected vendors completing the fire smoke, smoke damper testing. We will assist in the logistics of setting up safe work plans to schedule and complete work. We will assist in selecting the certified damper inspection vendor. We will work with that vendor. We will provide the inspection template and house the drawings and documents in Procore for your continued use. Egis will also meet with your architects should barrier conflicts be presented.
Egis Project Management
2000 Presidential Way #801 West Palm Beach FL 33401
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